As members of SEV Consulting staff played key roles in the drafting and finalization of the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) guidelines presently used by the Government of The Bahamas, SEV brings a wealth of insight and knowledge as to what key elements each project should focus on. SEV will provide an EIA and EMP which best describe the processes that your organization/development will follow to maximize its compliance and minimize harm to the environment. SEV’s involvement in your project as environmental consultants has the potential to reduce cost and time, all while providing a high-quality product.
SEV Consulting Group can provide your EIA and EMP needs for a variety of projects.
- Resorts – Large scale and cottage industry
- Industry – Roads, commercial ports, chemical plants, exploratory exercises
- Marinas – Commercial and Private
- Residential – Large scale development and local private island communities
- Mariculture & Aquaculture – Open-water and land-based
- Agriculture – Commercial scale